Payment Gateway Charges Verification
Verify the fee and tax charged on each order along with the final settlement amount
Verify Your Payment Gateway Charges with Our Automated Reconciliation Software
Verify Your Payment Gateway Charges
It helps easily verify fee charged on each transaction by your payment gateway partner
Configure Rate Card
Multiple Rate cards submitted in any format can be configured to match the formulation and business logic
Easy Configuration
Any Form of Rate Card is accepted
Rate Card per payment mode can be configured
Payment Gateway Charges Verification Process
Verify Fee Charged
- Identify the transactions on which the fee amount charged is correct
- Verify if the fee amount is overcharged on any transactions
- Determine the if fee amount charged is wrong on any orders
Verify Tax Charged
- Determine the orders on which the tax amount charged is correct
- Verify the tax overcharges on any transactions
- Determine the transactions on which the tax is undercharged
Verify the Settlement Amount
- Verify the transactions for which the final settlement amount is right
- Determine if the final settlement amount is incorrect for any transactions
- Identify the exact settlement amount
Verify Bank Settlements
- Determine which transactions are settled in your bank account by your Payment Gateway Partner
- Identify the transactions that are still pending to be settled
- Identify the bank settlements made at the UTR level